Preaching Exchange Meeting Held in Jincheng

A picture of a female preacher during the "Respect Life, Witness Beauty" themed preaching exchange meeting at Chengqu Church in Jincheng City, Shanxi Province, on July 13, 2024.
A picture of a female preacher during the "Respect Life, Witness Beauty" themed preaching exchange meeting at Chengqu Church in Jincheng City, Shanxi Province, on July 13, 2024. (photo: Shanxi TSPM)
By John ZhangJuly 22nd, 2024

The "Respect Life, Witness Beauty" themed preaching exchange meeting was hosted at a church in Shanxi Province.

Over 30 preachers and grassroots pastoral workers participated in the event organized by Jincheng CC&TSPM at Chengqu Church in Jincheng City on July 13, said Shanxi TSPM.

Speakers such as Zhao Zhengqing, Yan Yanni, and Cui Ernü, among eleven other preachers, shared their perspectives on themes including "Cherish Life from God's Perspective," "Heavenly Beautiful Marriages," "Marvelous Creation, Glorious Life," "Cherish Life, Honor God, and Benefit People," and "Be Light and Salt to Serve Society." They encouraged attendees to see life as a precious gift that deserves respect and protection and to manifest the dignity of life through love, holiness, and service.

Elder Yan Meiling, director and president of Jincheng CC&TSPM, along with seven other pastoral leaders, served as judges, awarding one first prize, two second prizes, and eight excellence awards. Certificates of honor and souvenirs were presented to the winners.

A nationalwide training conference for the Chinese theological construction propaganda team convened in late March, saying that preaching centering on the sinicization of Christianity should focus on the theme of "Respect Life, Witness Glory."

- Translated by Abigail Wu


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