Penglai Church Conducts Summer Retreat

 Pastor Gai Liheng from Yantai CC&TSPM delivered a sermon with the title of "Seeking the Greatest Healing" during a summer retreat hosted at Penglai District Church in Yantai, Shandong, on August 4, 2024.
Pastor Gai Liheng from Yantai CC&TSPM delivered a sermon with the title of "Seeking the Greatest Healing" during a summer retreat hosted at Penglai District Church in Yantai, Shandong, on August 4, 2024. (photo: Penglai District Church )
By John ZhangAugust 8th, 2024

While Penglai, Shandong  has been experiencing a heatwave in recent days, with temperatures soaring above 34°C, Penglai District Church held a two-day summer revival meeting.

A total of above 1,500 people attended the two-day event, reported the church.

On August 3, the first day of the meeting, Li Song'en, director of Haiyang Municipal TSPM, was invited to deliver sermons titled "Be Content" and "Follow the Lord." He spoke about the choices and rewards of following the Lord, encouraging congregants to follow the Lord with a contented heart.

The next day, the church invited Pastor Gai Liheng from Yantai CC&TSPM to deliver a sermon with the title of "Seeking the Greatest Healing," citing Mark 5:21-43. He emphasized that rather than resurrection, believers should seek the healing of their bodies and souls in God’s kingdom when the Lord returns, which was brought through Jesus' sacrifice, death, and resurrection.

The retreat concluded with a communion service, where each Christian received the bread and cup.

- Translated by Abigail Wu

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