Fuzhou Church Launches Praise Meeting on Chinese Valentine's Day

A youth praise team performed hymns at a praise meeting themed "It’s All for Love" at Shangdu Church in Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, on Chinese Valentine's Day, August 10, 2024.
A youth praise team performed hymns at a praise meeting themed "It’s All for Love" at Shangdu Church in Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, on Chinese Valentine's Day, August 10, 2024. (photo: Lin Muli)
By Lin MuliAugust 13th, 2024

A church in Fujian held a praise meeting themed "It’s All For Love" on Chinese Valentine's Day to provide a platform for single believers to get to know each other, integrating Chinese culture with Christianity.

At Shangdu Church in Fuzhou on August 10, the youth praise team performed hymns such as "Doxology," "Our God," and "Loving Praising," God's love flowing like sweet living water and cleansing everyone's heart.

For many years, the church has been organizing youth fellowship activities every Saturday evening to spread the gospel.

(The article was originally published by the Gospel Times and the author is a believer in Fuzhou, Fujian.)

-  Translated by Abigail Wu

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