Yunnan Music Fellowship Marks First Training Session

Believers performed with different instruments to praise the Lord at the graduation performance of the first session of the "150 Fellowship" at Beichen Church in n Kunming City, Yunnan Province, on August 28, 2024.
Believers performed with different instruments to praise the Lord at the graduation performance of the first session of the "150 Fellowship" at Beichen Church in n Kunming City, Yunnan Province, on August 28, 2024. (photo: Beichen Church)
By Poppy ChanSeptember 2nd, 2024

Beichen Church in Yunnan Province held the graduation performance of the first session of the "150 Fellowship," named after Psalm 150, which encourages the praise of the Lord with various musical instruments.

According to the church, on August 28, 120 believers attended the event, praising the Lord with the hymn of praises, "Each Time I Think of You" and "Praise the Lord, O My Soul." Pastor Zhong Lin preached on Lord’s Love Never Fails, Our Praise Never Ends.

During the four-month training, the patient guidance of teachers and the diligent efforts of students led to the participants’ successful transformation, said the church. 

This fellowship’s training features music theory, piano, guitar, Guzheng, and pipa (two traditional Chinese plucking musical instruments). The instructors encompass church pastoral staff, national Class-II players, and renowned guzheng (a traditional Chinese plucked zither) educators in Kunming.

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