Hubei Seminary Lectures on Improvised Accompaniment

Zhongnan Theological Seminary held a music lecture in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, on September 18, 2024.
Zhongnan Theological Seminary held a music lecture in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, on September 18, 2024. (photo: Hubei Provincial CC&TSPM)
By John ZhangSeptember 26th, 2024

Zhongnan Theological Seminary in Hubei province held a music lecture involving "Introduction to the Basics of Piano Improvisation Accompaniment" and "The Role of Improvised Accompaniment in Worship and Praise."

The event was attended by the sacred music class students, piano enthusiasts, and church music workers on September 18, said Hubei TSPM.

During the lecture, the speaker, Zhang Kai, explored the significant role of improvised accompaniment in church worship activities from the perspectives of its history, function, and value. He pointed out that improvised accompaniment is not just a musical technique but also an essential medium that can enhance the worship experience and strengthen the cohesion of the church community. Through case studies and live demonstrations, he showed the audience the impact of improvised accompaniment on church music ministry.

As a member of the Guangdong Pop Music Association, Zhang Kai is executive vice president of the Pop and Improvised Piano (Foshan) Committee of the Guangdong Pop Music Association, and director of the New Music Education Working Committee of Sanshui District, Foshan City.

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