3 Stories of Being Light, Salt in Workplace

A picture of a towering cross in the grass
A picture of a towering cross in the grass (photo: unsplash.com)
By XiaoyanOctober 2nd, 2024

Recently, I attended a meeting where I came into contact with a workplace group. The members were mostly in their thirties and forties, representing the backbone of workplace ministry in the church. When discussing workplace ministry, three believers shared their testimonies and perspectives. 

A Christian woman surnamed Wang, who works in the education sector, believes: "In the current environment, it’s difficult to evangelize through traditional church methods. In the past, staff workers could organize street evangelism or distribute gospel tracts, but that no longer works. So, I hope the church will place more emphasis on workplace evangelism and provide us with the necessary training and pastoral care."

A male believer with the surname of Tan, who leads a workplace group, shared that workplace Christians often interact with many non-believers from diverse backgrounds. In this vast field, each believer can be the light and salt for the Lord. However, after observing many cases, Tan said: "Workplace ministry isn’t just about enthusiasm for evangelism. The most important thing is to do your job well first with honesty and dedication. Otherwise, the more you evangelize, the fewer people will believe."

Bearing Witness to the Lord Through Honesty and Diligence

Liu, a quiet Christian man in his thirties, seldom speaks during discussions, but he agreed with Tan’s point. Liu supplies municipal streetlight equipment in a highly competitive industry, yet he has been able to maintain steady orders for six or seven years.

Liu said: "I’m not good with words, and I’m not great at socializing. During the holidays, others give gifts to their bosses, as each order is worth hundreds of thousands, especially in my industry. I’m expected to reciprocate with gifts to those who support my business, but I’ve never done that in all these years. I believe that I make money with high-quality products and integrity rather than give gifts to leaders. So, I prayed to God, telling Him that I wouldn’t engage in bribery, and I would just focus on doing my job honestly."

One time, when a client received their goods and was ready to install them, he drove dozens of kilometers in the rain to deliver an extra bag of parts to the client, as he heard that the installation team was inexperienced, worrying they might lose small parts like screws. This act turned the client into a loyal customer, who placed all subsequent supply orders with him. The client even recommended Liu to others, saying: "You won’t be cheated if you buy from Liu, who is a Christian."

Although Liu doesn’t directly preach the gospel in the workplace, he glorifies the Lord through his work. He testified, "My work is blessed, and I’ll continue to look for opportunities to testify about Jesus in my future work."

Working With Others to Help Spread the Gospel

A sister in Christ surnamed He works in the health and wellness industry, targeting mid- to high-end consumers. Some of her top clients later became her colleagues, who help her promote products part-time.

When I first met He, she was dressed in sharp professional attire, with a well-groomed appearance and an infectious smile. However, when it came to sharing her testimony, she was a bit shy, saying: "I’m terrible at speaking in this area. I can talk about my products in great detail, but when it comes to evangelism, I just go silent!"

Not great at sharing the gospel, Sister He is passionate about doing the Lord’s work. Two weeks ago, she invited two sisters in Christ to a tea room in her office to chat. Her goal was clear—to invite two of her top clients to learn about the gospel.

That afternoon, the two Christian women teamworked, chatting about life and work, leading the conversation from spiritual struggles to the Bible. Through this subtle, conversational witnessing, one of the clients voluntarily added them on WeChat, saying she had gained a new understanding of Christianity. She also expressed that she has always believed in a spiritual world and hopes to stay in touch for more discussions. Afterward, He and her coworkers made plans for follow-up efforts.   

"God will help us as long as we’re willing to act!" Encouraged by this, He is filled with enthusiasm and said that she will use this method to lead others until she is fully equipped. Her testimony greatly inspired people around her.

Bringing a Personal Touch to Communication

Cheng, a Christian man who sells beverages, is a young and handsome man currently serving as the head of the church hospitality team.

Sometimes, after work, Cheng goes to serve at the church. When a client invites him out for drinks, he rarely declines with a rigid, "I’m a believer, so I can’t go drinking." Instead, he politely refuses in a lighthearted way: "I’ve got to serve my big boss (Jesus) today, so let’s reschedule." After a few times, the clients understand his faith-based principles and respect him for them.

Indeed, Christians should maintain holiness in front of non-believers, but they can’t let others feel cold, and the holiness can’t become a barrier that prevents people from coming to Jesus. When witnessing to others in the workplace, as Paul said, we should become all things to all people. It is good that we testify to God’s goodness with our lives.

When communicating with people, we can let them feel the warmth and humanity of Christians. This helps break the stereotype that believers are rigid and inflexible. Cheng reflected, "We often see people evangelizing very formally, but sometimes we can share our faith in a more down-to-earth way."

- Edited & translated by Abigail Wu

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