Churches in China Celebrate Senior Citizens' Festival

The Savior Church held a themed event marking the Double Ninth Festival in Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, in early October 2024.
The Savior Church held a themed event marking the Double Ninth Festival in Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, in early October 2024. (photo: Guangzhou Municipal CC&TSPM)
By CCD EditorialOctober 15th, 2024

As this year's Double Ninth Festival falls on October 11, churches across the country held Sunday services, praise meetings, and other activities to honor the elderly in the past week. 

Double Ninth Festival (September 9 on the lunar calendar) originates from the Warring States of China, whose true meaning is to pay respect to ancestors, the elderly and be grateful. It has been passed down since firstly being set as a national festival in Tang Dynasty.

Jinsha Church in Nantong City, Jiangsu Province, held a Sunday service on October 6. Rev. Qiu Cheng delivered a sermon titled "Talking About 'Filial Piety' During the Double Ninth Festival," encouraging believers to honor their father and mother (which is the first commandment with promise.) He emphasized that when it comes to filial piety, one should not wait but start now, to avoid regret when "the desire to show filial piety arises, but the parents are no longer there." After the sermon, church staff distributed gifts to the elder believers, followed by the Holy Communion.

In Dongkeng Village, Banzi Town, Pinghe County, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province, an event was conducted to honor over 170 elders with respect in the village who are over eighty years old and cared for on October 6, reported the Pinghe County Christian Council. Volunteers from the church brought over 20,000 yuan worth of rice and cooking oil to the Party-Mass Service Center in Dongkeng Village.

Beijing CC&TSPM reported that diverse churches in the city have held a series of activities in honor of the elderly. On October 9, Gangwasi Church in Beijing held its annual Double Ninth Festival service, with four elderly believers sharing testimonies of gratitude. That day was also the church's social service day, where 168 people were served. Twelve volunteers offered free services to the elderly, including haircuts, blood pressure checks, acupuncture, legal consultations, and psychological counseling. On the same day, Senior Pastor Wen Taihao of Beijing Qiandaying Church and Senior Pastor Yin Linshan of Beijing Mentougou Church led their staff members to visit the faith-based Amity Elderly Care Home to show their care. The pastoral staff washed the feet of nearly 40 elderly people and put new socks on them.

Yaodu District CC&TSPM in Linfen City, Shanxi Province, launched an activity to respect the elderly with sinicized sacred music on October 9, inviting over 100 elders from urban and rural churches, all over seventy years old. Five well-known local music teachers were present to provide guidance. Rev. Huang Hailin, director of Linfen TSPM, delivered a themed sermon titled "Respect the Elderly and Honor Parents While Singing the Song of Life." He stated that respecting and honoring the elderly was an opportunity for blessing and that those who did so possessed godly character traits. Afterward, more than 80 members of the church choir performed songs with ethnic characteristics, including "Love Linfen, Win the Future," a song with a local flavor. Additionally, "The Sacred Teachings Are Passed Down Like the Continuous Kindling of Fire," a song written by Rev. Huang Hailin and composed by Deacon Liu Yajing, was performed. A choir of over 40 elders also sang hymns.

On October 10, Beichen Church in Yunnan held a gathering for the Double Ninth Festival, with about 130 elders attending. Rev. Jing Yicheng preached on "The Example of Caleb," gifts were given to the elders after the icebreaker games.

The Joshua Senior Fellowship at Wenhua Road Church in Pulandian District, Dalian City, Liaoning Province, held its annual praise meeting especially for the festival at Bethel Church on October 10, attended by more than 500 locals, including over 400 elderly members aged seventy and above. Zhou Fenglou read Leviticus 19:32 and Proverbs 20:29, delivering a sermon titled "Respect the Elderly and Fear God." This was followed by a talent show presented by the elderly members of the fellowship, featuring 12 singing and dancing performances.

In Guangdong, the Elderly Fellowship of Gospel Church in Dongguan held a celebration featuring interactive activities such as ring toss games and making applique picture frames. Nanshan Church in Shenzhen held a series of activities in honor of the elderly on October 11, said Guangdong CC&TSPM. In Pingshan District, nearly one hundred believers visited the Dongjiang Column Memorial Hall and a congregation gathered at Jiangling Meeting Point for a praise meeting, featuring hymn singing and Bible trivia games. Several churches in Guangzhou held special activities for the Double Ninth Festival, wishing the elderly good health and harmonious families. They encouraged the elderly to live joyful lives and be witnesses to God's goodness in their families.

On October 11, the century-old Hepu Church in Beihai City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, held a praise meeting. The main performance featured the Isaac Brass Band from Changle Church, with female members from the church’s morning prayer group singing and dancing. Rev. Zhang Yezhong from Beihai City played the organ and performed calligraphy, writing words of "Rejoice Always." Rev. Ma Cuilian delivered a sermon titled "On Filial Piety," based on Ephesians 6:1-4. She emphasized the importance of honoring parents to receive blessings and live long, which is the first commandment with a promise. She shared that the gospel could be spread through the praise meeting, praying for the Lord to add to the church those who were being saved.

On the same day,  the Linwei District Christian Council in Weinan City, Shaanxi Province, held a worship service for the festival, with more than 400 participants, including clergy, choir members, and elderly believers aged 70 and above. Elder Yuan Jingping, vice president of the district’s Christian Council, preached a sermon titled "The Beauty of Sunset," encouraging the elderly to enjoy the honor of others. Following this, choir and band members performed instrumental music, dances, skits, and hymns.

On October 13, Agape Church in Chongqing held its annual Double Ninth Festival worship service for elderly believers. During the service, sopme Christians testified to God's grace and wonders. After the service, the church organized a medical fellowship to provide blood pressure and blood sugar checks, as well as health consultations for believers.

- Edited & translated by Abigail Wu

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