Attending Prayer Meeting at Shanghai Thanksgiving Church

A picture of several persons holding hands to pray
A picture of several persons holding hands to pray (photo:
By Grace YuanOctober 24th, 2024

One Thursday morning, I woke up early and rushed to the Thanksgiving Church in Pudong New District, Shanghai, to attend a prayer meeting.

Even from downstairs, I could hear believers' singing voice. I chose a seat toward the back and joined in singing. After the hymn, the pastor began leading us in a Bible study, which focused on Psalms 34 and 35 that day. He said that the Word of God is the foundation, and all other ministries are built upon this foundation. "Where God's word is, His power is also present."

Afterwards, attendees were divided into four prayer groups, each consisting of 10 to 15 people. The members of each group sat in a circle, and the group leader held a stack of prayer requests written by believers. After the leader read one paper with explanations, we would pray for the person mentioned, each prayer lasting about three minutes.

Sitting there, I found myself immersed in the atmosphere of intercessory prayer. Although I had personal struggles with a desire to pray for myself, the Holy Spirit worked powerfully, moving me to join in praying for others.

From time to time, I could hear elderly women nearby calling out some names and pleading to the Lord. Then, each of us shared our prayer requests, and everyone of us prayed for the person on our left. An elderly woman beside me pulled out a small notebook and handed me a pen, asking me to write my name on it.

Since it was a weekday, most of the attendees were elderly, and many of their prayer requests were for others. As each person shared their requests, everyone would double-check to make sure they had heard correctly, and some would even write down the prayer topic as they listened. It seemed that outside of church, these elderly believers often pulled out their notebooks at home to pray for each person by name.

A pastor once said that you cannot buy genuine intercession. Through the love of Christ, we have the heart of an intercessor, transcending our limitations. In places unknown to you, many people are praying for you.

- Edited & translated by Abigail Wu

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