Shorter Catechism’s Use in Churches, Pastoral Care

The Shorter Catechism Deck on a desk
The Shorter Catechism Deck on a desk (photo:
By Grace ZhiOctober 28th, 2024

Recently, while traveling in Urumqi, I visited a local church. On a large screen at the front, they displayed the text of Audio version of the Shorter Catechism. I listened for a while and felt quite edified.

Later, I joined their Tuesday evening worship service, where the pastor preached on some questions from the Shorter Catechism, particularly questions 91 to 96 and 98, covering biblical teachings on helping others, serving, forgiveness, and interpersonal conduct.

The content is primarily ethical in nature, and the pastor's sermons focused on three points: "Transforming Life Through the Word," "Serving the Lord and Loving People," and "Fulfilling Ministry." The congregants were reminded that the Christian faith is practical and encouraged to build their lives on Christ. 

Originally published in 1983,  the Shorter Catechism is the most widely distributed text on basic beliefs within the Chinese church and holds great significance for the faith and spiritual development of believers, especially new Christians.

Compiled in a Q&A format, it covers seven major topics—the Bible, God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, salvation, the church, and saints—along with an appendix. It provides clear and concise explanations of basic Christian beliefs, reflecting the unity and shared faith understanding within Chinese Christianity. It has played a crucial role in maintaining doctrinal integrity in churches with the phenomenon of "many sheep and few shepherds," raising the quality of believers and resisting heresies.

A revised edition of the Shorter Catechism was released in September 2023, expanding from 100 to 120 entries. This version includes questions and answers addressing issues relevant to seekers and believers in today’s context. CCC&TSPM has also produced an audio version for believers nationwide.

In addition to its use in catechism classes, some churches are incorporating this Catechism pamphlet into regular pastoral care. Besides the Urumqi church mentioned, a church in Linfen dedicates 5-10 minutes before worship to explain and elaborate on one question from the pamphlet each week, helping believers establish a strong foundation of faith regarding Scripture, God, the church, and the Holy Spirit. Reports suggest that this approach has yielded positive results.  

In many grassroots churches, believers’ understanding of doctrine is often somewhat limited and unclear, while Sunday sermons tend to be thematic. Without systematic Bible study, believers may struggle to grasp a comprehensive understanding of the gospel truths. This lack of grounding has made some grassroots churches susceptible to infiltration by cults, with many believers being led astray by false teachings.

Under such circumstances, churches could greatly benefit from this book, dedicating some time during each worship service to study and disseminate fundamental teachings. This would help believers gain a solid, truth-based understanding of both gospel truths and ethical conduct.

- Edited & translated by Abigail Wu

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