Yancheng CC&TSPM, Jiangsu Province, held a citywide Christian secretarial and archival training program at Yancheng Christian Church from March 12 to 14.
More than 100 participants attended the training, including the leadership team of Yancheng CC&TSPM and full-time secretarial and archival staff from Christian venues that see a regular attendance of more than 500, said Yancheng TSPM.
Rev. Bian Rongliang, general secretary of the Shandong Christian Council, was invited as the lecturer. As an experienced church administrator and scholar, Bian delivered lectures on official document writing and processing, archival management standards, and church institutional development.
In the session on official document writing, Rev. Bian explained drafting common religious documents such as requests, reports, and notices. He emphasized that, in the context of the sinicization of Christianity and strict church governance, official documents must not only meet standard formatting requirements but also accurately convey policy intentions to ensure the rigor and authority of religious affairs management.
In the archival management session, the speaker covered key aspects such as document collection, organization, classification, storage, and digital management, demonstrating how modern methods can enhance church archival management.
Throughout the training, participants showed great enthusiasm, engaging with the instructor and discussing practical challenges encountered in their work.
From March 17 to 18, the Xiangshui County TSPM of Yancheng City, conducted a countywide training session for Christian financial personnel at Xiaojian Christian Meeting Point. A total of 150 accountants and treasurers from 91 church venues across the county participated in the training.
Rev. Xu Fei, chairman of the Xiangshui County TSPM, drew on his extensive ministry experience to provide an in-depth interpretation of the "Measures for Financial Management of Venues for Religious Activities," closely linking legal requirements with real-life church management cases. He also led a study of the financial management provisions in the revised "Regulations on Religious Affairs."
Vice Chairpersons Rev. Liu Caiping, Elder Zhang Jiafu, and Rev. Han Rongrong, along with Secretary-General Rev. Li Jun, each encouraged the participants with biblical teachings. They reminded church financial personnel to prioritize their spiritual growth and character development, remain faithful in their duties, and serve wholeheartedly. They called on them to become trustworthy and reliable stewards of Xiangshui's churches.