Inner Mongolia Church Aids Local Left-behind Children

Group photo: over ten people from Chifeng CCC&TSPM of Inner Mongolia and Chifeng Ping’an Church gave free clothes to left-behind in Dafuying Elementary School on Nov. 29, 2017.
Group photo: over ten people from Chifeng CCC&TSPM of Inner Mongolia and Chifeng Ping’an Church gave free clothes to left-behind in Dafuying Elementary School on Nov. 29, 2017. (photo: CCD contributor: He Zhenyun )
By CCD contributor: He Zhenyun December 7th, 2017

On November 29, 2017, a team from the Chifeng CCC&TSPM of Inner Mongolia and Chifeng Ping'an Church gave cotton-padded winter clothes and down jackets to left-behind children in a rural primary school.

Two elders on behalf of the local CCC&TSPM and church donated 5,000 yuan to some students from poor families.

Delighted at their assistance, the students claimed to study hard and be excellent both in conduct and learning.

Dafuying Elementary school is a remote boarding school, covering an area of about 26,800 square meters (40.27 acres). There are 8 classes and 38 staff members, including 23 full-time teachers. Thirty-eight percent of its 209 students are left-behind children.

- Translated by Karen Luo

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