Gloria Tang Tsz-kei better known as G.E.M. has just posted on Friday a Cantonese song on her official Youtube Channel GEMblog.
Within just one day, the video garnered 66,237 views with 2,574 likes.
Comments praising the 24-year-old Hong Kong singer-songwriter floods on the comments section on her official Youtube account.
One roger Cf user commented: 雖然聽不懂廣東話,不過閉上眼聽這首歌時,卻感受的到歌聲中的那些悲傷扼腕。G.E.M.真的很厲害,聽完時不自覺和過去自己的經歷連結,音樂果然是沒有國界語言之分。(Google Translated= "Although do not understand Cantonese , but when you close your eyes and listen to the song , but to feel those sad songs distraught .G.E.M. is really very powerful , unconscious and link their own experiences in the past when listening to music really has no boundaries of language points.")