Trachsel Brings ‘Loud Noise’ to Everyone Asia 2024: Asia Shall Be Saved

Jean-Luc Trachsel, a Swiss-based evangelist who leads the Europe Shall Be Saved movement, spoke at the general session two of the Everyone Asia 2024 conference at the Sentul International Convention Center, Sentul City, Indonesia, on July 4, 2024.
Jean-Luc Trachsel, a Swiss-based evangelist who leads the Europe Shall Be Saved movement, spoke at the general session two of the Everyone Asia 2024 conference at the Sentul International Convention Center, Sentul City, Indonesia, on July 4, 2024. (photo: Empowered 21)
By Lance Brownfield July 25th, 2024

Asia Shall Be Saved. That’s the battle cry of Jean-Luc Trachsel, a Swiss-based evangelist who leads the Europe Shall Be Saved movement, when he recently spoke at the Everyone Asia 2024 conference held by Empowered 21 in Indonesia earlier this month. The conference took place at the Sentul International Convention Center in Sentul City from July 3 to 5.

Last year, Trachsel co-launched the Everyone Initiative in Amsterdam with the stated goal of ensuring every person on the planet is reached by the gospel by Pentecost 2033, marking 2,000 years since Jesus’ crucifixion and ascension to heaven. The conference was part of the promotion for this effort. On July 4, he said that to meet this goal, “we need a release of the sound.”

“Friend, right now heaven is releasing a new sound, he said. “It’s not the same sound released on the day of the liberation of the Israelites in Egypt. Oh, it was a great sound when they left Egypt.”

The title of his sermon was “Loud Noise,” and that’s exactly what the crowd got. He explained the background of his ministry, Europe Shall Be Saved, and how it originated from the audible voice of God when he was a child. He shared his connection to the late German evangelist Reinhard Bonnke and how they shouted together, “Africa Shall Be Saved,” and he shouted to the audience for each nation in Asia to arise.

“I can hear as audible as I hear it,” Trachsel said. “The Lord is watching over Asia and declaring, ‘Asia Shall Be Saved.’”

He said each season, defined by God, is marked by the release of a supernatural sound. As Acts 2 tells us, on the day of Pentecost, a sound from heaven came “like a rushing mighty wind.”

He said the sound for this new generation and era is saying “harvest now” and is increasing every month. According to him, when believers hear the sound of these new days, it changes the way they sing, preach, and do ministry, being released with “pure liquid fire.”

Having spread the gospel to almost 100 nations already, Trachsel is part of the Global Council for the organization, president of the International Association of Healing Ministries (IAHM), and co-chairman of the Global Evangelist Alliance (GEA). While his roughly 30-minute message in general session two of the conference centered around Acts 2:1-6, which details the account of Pentecost and speaking in tongues, he started with a call for healing.

“I really believe that Jesus is real, when he was here on this earth, he healed them all,” Trachsel said. “He healed everyone. And this time he’s coming back because the Holy Spirit is going to reveal the real Jesus. Not the intellectual Jesus, not the religious Jesus, but the real Jesus who wants to heal everyone.”

He kneeled in the center of the stage, offering up a prayer at the beginning of the sermon “that this world cannot see us, but see the One. The only One who can save everyone.”

The Pentecostal preacher then led the audience in a verse of “There is One Found Worthy” before his preaching commenced. He said there was an “atmosphere of worship and prayer” and a “healing river” at the event that he wanted to lead his fellow believers into. Addressing a fellow pastor Dr. Niko Njotorahardjo, founder and president of Gereja Bethel International churches, at the event, along with the crowd, he said the presence of God was evident.

“Doctor Niko, when I arrived yesterday night,” Trachsel said. “You don’t need to be a prophet to see the evidence of the presence of God.”

Saying he didn’t have time to turn it into a “healing service,” he had the audience lay hands on their neighbors, as Jesus said in Mark 16:18.

“It’s not the hand of the evangelist or the famous preacher,” Trachsel said. “It’s the hands of Jesus.”

“This river is about to increase,” he said. “Because the tide of the Holy Ghost is arising, it’s arising, it’s arising. And the healing power is coming to your nation. The healing power is coming to your region.”

He wraps up by recalling the countless missions sent to Asia from Europe over the years. While Indonesia and most Asian nations aren’t currently embracing Christianity as much as other parts of the world, God is still in control, and tides can change if we hold onto our faith. As the continent has passed through a spiritual desert for the past several decades, Trachsel encourages the audience to have hope as he’s seen his homeland come back to the Lord in his lifetime.

“I came from Europe to give you the good news,” he said. “A new sound that’s been releasing on my continent. And today there’s a new generation of thousands of pastors and even priests from all kinds of denominations coming together in unity, crying out with the Lord for revival and determined to bring back Europe for Jesus. Believing that Europe will be saved.”

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