Beginning on February 3, a three-session course, “The Church in China: Beyond the Headlines,” will focus on the current state of churches in China, with additional sessions scheduled for February 17 and March 3 at the University of Minnesota, USA.
According to the host, the course, led by Joann Pittman, will delve into the history of Christianity in China, the current challenges faced by Chinese believers today, and the lessons Western Christians can draw from their faith and resilience.
As those headlines, “Pastors are detained,” “House Churches are Being Shut Down,” and “Religions is being ‘Sinified’” only "construct a simple narrative" for the complex current situation for churches in China, the course will move beyond those "simlistic narratives," added the host.
Ms. Joann Pittman, the course instructor, serves as the vice president for Partnerships and China Engagement at ChinaSource, a ministry dedicated to equipping the global church with insights into the challenges faced by the church and ministries in China. Being the author of Bells Are Not Silent: Stories of Church Bells in China, she spent 28 years working in China, following which she taught Chinese language and history at different universities in the United States.