Tuesday, March 4th, 2025
Article by:CCD contributor: Abiram

Reasons Why Chinese Pastors not Writing

There are few theological writings and Chinese pastors hardly ever come up with new thinking.The author wants to talk about why Chinese pastors are not into writing.

3 Aspects on Helping Church Steping Out of Desolation

As hard as to step out of desolation for our churches today, church leaders are obliged to base their life not on their titles but on the holy bible, and the truth in Christ, to create a perpetual development for their churches and believers. By doing so, they can accomplish the truly meaningful holy work, and offer believers a great chance to enrich their spiritual lives.

An Appalling Vicious Cycle Pestering Churches in China Rural Areas

Churches hired pastors from Henan to be both well-equipped in theological knowledge and eloquent in their preaching. However, many bible school graduates are unable to get posts from churches in Henan and some are even forced to leave their home churches to serve the urban churches.
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