Tuesday, March 4th, 2025
Article by:CCD contributor: Shuai Huoshi

Christian Philanthropist: Jesus is Hidden in Every Poor, Sick Person

Below is an interview with a Christian philanthropist who is engaged in medical relief. Steven Li is deeply touched by the sadness and suffering of marginalized people. To make the wounded not cry anymore, he urges everyone to provide poor and sick families humanized care and help.

Faith in the Heart of Coal Miners

In mining areas which pose great security to workers, the miners have established a deep friendship with God in the 30 years of struggling with faith.

Enlightenment from the Jujube Tree

Let our lives sow the new seeds, accept irrigation from the Holy Spirit, nurture in the Words and the truth, bear plenty spiritual fruits and become a victory soldier of Christ.

Awakening and Emotions of A Seeker in Sacraments

Indeed, divinity hides deep inside everyone's heart, which is what binds them to God. Even the wildest outlaws would spontaneously put out their cigarettes in church, just like the young man Xiao Lu, who saw the glory of God in the church's sacrament and felt his mercy and holy love.
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