Prohibiting Religious Activity in Schools in Gansu

A Cute Girl from Gansu Recites the Holy Quran
A Cute Girl from Gansu Recites the Holy Quran (photo: GBTimes)
By Ruth WangMay 7th, 2016

On Thursday, the Gansu Department of Education issued an announcement which informs local school authorities to prevent any religious activity from being practiced while in the school grounds.

This announcement was made in light of the viral video entitled "A Cute Girl from Gansu Recites the Holy Quran." The video showed a young girl named Linxia from Gansu and recited the Quran while in her kindergarten school. The video attracted a lot of viewers and sparked controversy.

The Gansu Department of Education condemned the action and deemed it harmful to students' physical and mental health and mandates local authorities to prohibit any religious activity to be conducted in schools. Unless the school is a recognized religious school, all private and public schools in Gansu will adhere to the following:

1. No religious activities shall be held in the campus.

2. No classes regarding religion will be held in school. It is also forbidden for students to organize such lessons or religious practices as it interferes and obstructs the school's charter in carrying out ideology and character education, as well as scientific and cultural education for students.

3. No student shall be forced or pressured to commit to one faith. Any participation to any activity that aims to reach more followers in school or establish religious communities or organizations shall not be allowed either.

4. No content that teaches religious thought shall be included in the school material meant for both primary and secondary schools.

5. No student shall join any illegal religious organization or take part in religious gatherings.

6. No teacher shall propagate religions or lead students in joining religious activities while teaching. No foreign teacher shall engage in activities that spreads religious ideas.


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