The Power of Hospitality: How a Friend's Warm Welcome Guided a Couple to Christianity

A picture exemplifies a house of love
A picture exemplifies a house of love (photo:
By XiaoyanMay 17th, 2024

Recently, I met a middle-aged couple at a gathering. The lady shared that their journey to faith in Jesus was not sparked by any extraordinary event or on their own initiative, but rather by the warm hospitality of a friend, which led them to the church.

Liu works at a top-tier hospital in our city, and over a decade ago, her colleague Zhang was sent on an assignment to work at a hospital in Singapore. Eventually, she settled there and embraced Christianity.

When Liu's daughter was in high school, she was selected to study in Singapore due to her excellent grades. The couple, due to the nature of their work, found it challenging to accompany her to a foreign land and entrusted Zhang to look after their daughter. Unexpectedly, Zhang warmly welcomed the girl into her home, sparing her from living in boarding school.

At Zhang's home, Liu's daughter was cared for with utmost kindness, receiving the same care as Zhang's son, including meals, clothes, and even red envelopes during the Chinese New Year.

Inspired by Zhang's loving hospitality, Liu's sixteen-year-old daughter accepted Jesus as her Ssavior. When they learned of this, Liu and her husband realized that Zhang's love transcended ordinary friendship, and even among relatives, such genuine and selfless love is rare.

Soon after, the couple flew to Singapore during their child's school holiday. Zhang graciously offered them her master bedroom, while she and her child stayed in a smaller guest room. They were treated to delicious meals every day, and various sightseeing activities were arranged for them.

During their stay, whenever Zhang suggested going somewhere or doing something, the couple readily agreed, saying, "Sure, we will follow your lead." A week later, when Zhang invited them to church, they again agreed without hesitation, saying, "Okay, we'll go with you."

During the couple's first time in church, they coincidentally encountered a renowned Chinese pastor delivering a powerful sermon. The sermon and the testimonies of fellow believers deeply moved them. The more they listened, the more they felt the stirring of the Holy Spirit. During the altar call, they were encouraged by Zhang to bravely step forward and accept Christ as their Lord and savior.

While sharing their testimony, Liu and her husband said, "We used to be staunch atheists, and due to our professions, we kept our distance from religion. But my colleague never preached to us or shared the Bible with us. It was her warm hospitality that convinced us that the God she believed in must be good, and we were willing to accompany her to church!" Liu's husband added, "She not only hosted our child but also hosted other students from China who came to study abroad and led them to Christ."

"A person who shares the gospel must first let others see themselves clearly; a person who testifies for Christ must embody the witness of Christ entirely." We can only enable others to recognize the goodness of Jesus through us and desire to know Him by demonstrating Christ-like love, integrity, joy, and a life of faith. 

(The author of this article is a Christian from Shaanxi.)

- Translated by Nonye Nancy

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