Chongyi Church Opens Bible Course for Seekers, Hangzhou

Hnagzhou Chongyi Church
Hnagzhou Chongyi Church
By Zoey Zhang August 4th, 2016

The third Bible course for seekers of Hangzhou Chongyi Church, the reported largest megachurch in China, starts from July 31 to September 25, to be held every Sunday evenings. 

The course is set up to help seekers and new converts to be rooted in truth and feed on the word of God then their new life can take root downward and bear fruits upward.

The thematic bible study material to be used in the course is called "Entering into Truth", containing the message connected with the fundamentals of Christian faith and life. It has eight themes as follows: "The only God, Jesus Christ, Amazing Salvation, Renewing Life, Knowing the Holy Spirit, The Spiritual Growth, Dealing with Others and Spiritual Battles".

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