Palm Sunday Celebrated in Jiangsu

Members of Jiayin Choir of Shishan Church in Suzhou, Jiangsu, held palm branches in their hands and entered the main building on April 2, 2023.
1/2Members of Jiayin Choir of Shishan Church in Suzhou, Jiangsu, held palm branches in their hands and entered the main building on April 2, 2023.(Photo: Suzhou CC&TSPM)
The officiant, preacher, and choir members entered the main building with palm branches to commemorate Jesus' entry into Jerusalem at Apostle Church in Suzhou, Jiangsu, on Palm Sunday, April 2, 2023.
2/2The officiant, preacher, and choir members entered the main building with palm branches to commemorate Jesus' entry into Jerusalem at Apostle Church in Suzhou, Jiangsu, on Palm Sunday, April 2, 2023.(Photo: Suzhou CC&TSPM)
By Katherine GuoApril 6th, 2023

Churches in Suzhou, the city of Jiangsu, held Palm Sunday services to commemorate Jesus' entry into Jerusalem and start Holy Week.

The officiant, preacher, and choir members entered the main building of Apostle Church on April 2 holding palm branches, with the officiant shouting "Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna to the highest! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!"

In her sermon titled "Jesus Riding a Donkey into Jerusalem," Rev. Huang Fuping reproduced the scene of Jesus entering the holy city, exhorting believers to know the identity and authority of Jesus Christ and live like Him.

After members slowly entered Dushu Lake Church with palm branches, Rev. Piao Zhiming delivered a sermon titled "The Lamb of God," followed by a communion service. The congregation was urged to prepare their hearts to imitate Him through the service and memorialize the ministry of Jesus in the last week of his life.

In Shishan Church which was decorated with palm branches on both sides of the aisle, members of the Jiayin Choir held palm branches high into the main building, and Rev. Liu Yingjie hosted the Sunday service and communion service. Based on Luke 19:28–44, Senior Pastor Liu Zhiguo gave a sermon with the title "Jesus' Triumphal Entry Into the Holy City," saying Christians should praise Him who humbly rode a donkey into the holy city and dedicate themselves as donkey colts to the Lord. 

St. John's Church also added the traditional entrance ceremony during the Holy Week in the second service to commemorate the arrival of Jesus in Jerusalem.

After a short message on the "Spiritual Significance of Palm Sunday and Related Sacraments" from Sheng Enci, accompanied by the sacred music, the officiant, preacher, and members of the choir walked slowly into the church with palm branches. At the front of the line, Elder Shen Weihua, wearing a red shawl that represented the suffering of Christ, held aloft the cross, which showed His victory. The whole congregation responded with one voice: "Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord."

- Translated by Abigail Wu

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