Guangdong Holds Lecture on Chinese-style Church Management

A lecture titled "A Brief Discussion on Chinese-style Church Management" was conducted at Tianhe Church in Guangzhou, Guangdong, by Guangzhou CC&TSPM on June 13th, 2023.
A lecture titled "A Brief Discussion on Chinese-style Church Management" was conducted at Tianhe Church in Guangzhou, Guangdong, by Guangzhou CC&TSPM on June 13th, 2023. (photo: Guangzhou CC&TSPM)
By John ZhangJune 15th, 2023

The fifth session of the Guangzhou Master’ Lectures on the Sinicization of Christianity in 2023, was recently held in a church located in South China's Guangdong Province.

The Guangzhou CC&TSPM reported that the theme of the lecture, named "A Brief Discussion on Chinese-style Church Management," was conducted on June 13th at Tianhe Church.

During the lecture, Rev. Shan Weixiang, vice president and chief executive of the China Christian Council (CCC) and president of the Ningbo Christian Council, explained the rationality, resources, conditions, and wisdom acquisition in "Chinese-style" church management.

 He combined these aspects with an analysis of the current situation of Christianity in China.

Shan pointed out that this kind of management was a way for churches to achieve "self-governing" status in the context of China. Its foundation lay in adhering to local Chinese culture and adapting to the times. By integrating church administration with Christian beliefs, a unique church management style could be formed that was rooted in China's national conditions, social environment, and religious settings, this church leader continued. This approach could help resolve the issues that Chinese churches encounter and improve management efficiencies.

Furthermore, Rev. Shan recommended that to apply "Chinese-style" church management effectively, which was based on Bible principles and revelations, church administrators should assimilate the wisdom offered by excellent traditional Chinese culture. This wisdom included the spirit of learning the golden mean, balance, self-cultivation values, and harmony. He concluded that by doing so, it would promote the diversified and healthy development of the church.

- Translated by Abigail Wu

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