Inner Mongolia Dedicates New Church

A dedication service was held at Manzhouli Church in Hulunbuir City, Inner Mongolia, on August 23, 2023.
A dedication service was held at Manzhouli Church in Hulunbuir City, Inner Mongolia, on August 23, 2023. (photo: CCC&TSPM)
By John ZhangSeptember 1st, 2023

A church in Inner Mongolia celebrates its completion.

A dedication service was held at Manzhouli Church in Hulunbuir City on August 23, with more than 500 participants, including pastors, choir members, and believers from nearly 20 meeting points in the city, said CCC&TSPM.

The service consisted of a consecration service, a Thanksgiving ceremony, a dedication ceremony, and a praise meeting.

Rev. Wang Dawei, vice president and general secretary of the Inner Mongolia Christian Council, preached a sermon titled "Revelations From the Establishment and Development of the Church in Antioch," citing Acts 11:19–30. He emphasized the importance of spreading the gospel, providing pastoral care, and sharing sermons in a revived church. He also encouraged the church to train and utilize its talents.

Rev. Zhang Shukai of the church provided an introduction to the church and its construction report. Construction of the church and its affiliated office building started on April 26, 2021, lasting for a year and a half. The total construction area is over 4,600 square meters (11.36 acres), with a capacity to accommodate 700 people.

- Translated by Abigail Wu

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