Chuch in Liaoning Celebrates Autumn Harvest

The choir presented a hymn to celebrate the Autumn Harvest Festival at Ark Church in Datun Town, Qianshan District, Anshan City, Liaoning Province, on October 1st, 2023.
The choir presented a hymn to celebrate the Autumn Harvest Festival at Ark Church in Datun Town, Qianshan District, Anshan City, Liaoning Province, on October 1st, 2023. (photo: Xu Liping, Bai Dianfu/Ark Church in Datun Town)
By Mark Cui October 4th, 2023

A church in Liaoning, Northeast China, held a praise and worship meeting to celebrate Thanksgiving for the autumn harvest.  

On Sunday, October 1st, Ark Church in Datun Town, Qianshan District, Anshan City, Liaoning Province held the 2023 Autumn Havest Thanksgiving praise party.

During Sunday worship, elder Guo Xiangsheng preached under the title "Blessings of Honoring Jehovah."

After the preaching started, the praise included large-scale brass instrument performances, folk music tutti, various small instruments and saxophone ensembles, dances, solos, and choirs.

Church leader Xu Liping praised the true God of Trinity by singing for the autumn harvest. 84 year old Bai Dianfu presented the cucurbit flute solo "Praise from All Directions" and the solo dance "Great Hope in China."

(This article is reported by a special contributor of the Gospel Times in Anshan, Liaoning.)

- Translated by Lidia Tan

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