Stream of Praise Music Ministries Releases 29th Worship Album

A MV screenshot of the song “What Could I Bring to You” in the 29th album of Stream of Praise Music Ministries
A MV screenshot of the song “What Could I Bring to You” in the 29th album of Stream of Praise Music Ministries (photo: Stream of Praise Music Ministries)
By Christine Lau June 24th, 2024

On June 7, Stream of Praise (SOP) Music Ministries released its 29th album named What Could I Bring To You, including 17 songs.

It took a total of three months to create, record, and post-product, with SOP regarding it as a miracle, said the Taiwan-based Christian Daily.

The first Chinese overseas music ministry would like to share from this album, “We are to give God our best, the whole of our lives.” The 17 songs were completed without any letup, being arranged as a worship feast. Christian Daily said, "They represent 17 movements, worshipping God in spirit and truth with wonderful chapters to express their praise, worship, adoration, proclamation, cry, and thanksgiving to God." 

Through the theme song “What Could I Bring to You”, they hope to express their feelings, “Though we are unworthy and small, God chose us as his children and precious vessels before time began. Therefore, we are willing to give our lives to God to bless others.”

The hymn “I Really Love to Be with You” is dedicated to friends and families in the ministry. It is played by trolling to express their true emotions with voices.

The hymn “No Matter How the World Sees Me” is sung as a male and female duet. “No matter how the world sees me, God sees me as precious!” the team said.

The hymn “Shout out Your Praise” is a song performed with allegro in a powerful rhythmic manner, encouraging Christians to pass on the singing of praising God at the top voices in worship.

The team stated that they had made these songs over the past six months, expressing their stories of life experiences in a poetic way. In every aspect of writing, arranging, recording, and producing these songs, they offered themselves to God by praying. They expect that every Christian listening to this album would hear God's voice in the each musical chapter, “My child, I love you.”

- Translated by Olinda Wang

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