Symposium on Constructing Sinicized Doctrine of God Held in Shanghai

The symposium on "Constructing a Sinicized Doctrine of God" was held at Puan Church in Putuo District, Shanghai, on July 9, 2024.
The symposium on "Constructing a Sinicized Doctrine of God" was held at Puan Church in Putuo District, Shanghai, on July 9, 2024. (photo:  Shanghai CC&TSPM)
By John ZhangJuly 18th, 2024

The symposium on "The True Origin of All Things—Constructing a Sinicized Doctrine of God," part of the "From a Common Origin" brand project featuring the sinicization of Christianity, was held in Shanghai.

The symposium took place at Puan Church in Putuo District on July 9, said Shanghai CC&TSPM.

Rev. Xu Lei, deputy director and secretary general of Pudong New Area CC&TSPM, delivered a keynote speech on "Pioneering a New Path—An Analysis of the Inheritance and Renewal of the Ecumenical Church and the Reformation in the Construction of Theology of God," Rev. Chen Yili, deputy director and secretary general of Huangpu District CC&TSPM, on "Revisiting God from the 'Death of God,'" and Rev. Huang Huan, supervisor of Putuo District CC&TSPM, on "The Revelation of God's Creation in Genesis for Today's Church Management."

Focusing on constructing the doctrine of God, the brand project aims to encourage pastoral workers from the three districts to engage in theological exploration and deepen the organic integration of Christian theology and Chinese culture.

- Translated by Abigail Wu

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