Zhejiang Church Welcomes 96 Newly Baptized

Zhu'en Church welcomed new believers during the week of Holy Communion in Longgang City, Zhejiang Province, in the first week of August, 2024.
Zhu'en Church welcomed new believers during the week of Holy Communion in Longgang City, Zhejiang Province, in the first week of August, 2024. (photo: Zhu'en Church in Longgang City)
By Poppy ChanAugust 28th, 2024

A church in China’s eastern coastal Zhejiang Province hosted a special Holy Communion for 96 believers who were baptized on June 5, officially welcoming them into the congregation.

In the first week of August, during the week of Holy Communion, Zhu'en Church in Longgang City held a rite of acceptance and welcome for believers participating in Holy Communion for the first time, said the church.

Elder Yang Jiehua, director of Zhu’en Church, officiated the ceremony by calling out the names of the new congregants one by one, who then stood up in order and faced the congregation. Rev. Qu Linuo and Rev. Pan Zhili presented them with baptism certificates and Bibles.

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