Guangzhou Church Honors Elderly on Sunday Service

A group photo was taken during the Sunday service paying tribute to the elderly at Shifu Church in Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, on September 8, 2024.
A group photo was taken during the Sunday service paying tribute to the elderly at Shifu Church in Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, on September 8, 2024. (photo: Shifu Church in Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province)
By Poppy ChanSeptember 11th, 2024

A church in Guangdong’s capital city held a special Sunday service paying tribute to the aged members of the church.

According to Shifu Church in Guangzhou City, September 8 was the Sunday to honor the seniors. It is also highlighted that the elderly ministry is one of the most important ministries of the church.

At the morning service, Rev. Chen Chan, senior pastor of the church, gave a sermon titled “Soar on Wings like Eagles,” expressing her wish to the elderly to live lives of light, renewal, and the strength and freedom of an eagle. Pastor Chen also recognized the seniors for their active participation in church service, emphasizing their role as role models for the younger generation.

Subsequently, two women deacons shared on behalf of the church's elderly members on God's grace and guidance throughout their lives.

In the evening service, Pastor Zhang Xiangkun delivered on "Respecting the Elders: A Wise Son," encouraging the congregation to follow Jesus' example by upholding his virtues and bearing witness to the Lord's name.

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