Singapore Seminary Delegation Visits Shanghai CC&TSPM, Seminary

Rev. Xie Bingguo, president of East China Theological Seminary, welcomed Rev. Dr. Edwin Tay, principal of Trinity Theological College in Singapore, at East China Theological Seminary in Shanghai on September 11, 2024.
Rev. Xie Bingguo, president of East China Theological Seminary, welcomed Rev. Dr. Edwin Tay, principal of Trinity Theological College in Singapore, at East China Theological Seminary in Shanghai on September 11, 2024. (photo: East China Theological Seminary)
By Serena TseSeptember 13th, 2024

Principal Rev. Dr. Edwin Tay of Trinity Theological College (TTC) in Singapore visited Shanghai CC&TSPM and East China Theological Seminary (ECTS).

On September 10, reverend Tay and the other four members of TTC paid a visit to Shanghai CC&TSPM.

Tay expressed his pleasure at the longstanding friendly relations and ministry cooperation between TTC and the Shanghai churches, hoping that the two sides could continue to strengthen communication, interaction, and friendly cooperation in the future.

During the exchange, the Singaporean guests watched a promotional video reflecting the development of Christianity in Shanghai and the Shanghai churches’ foreign services. Rev. Zhang Aili, vice president of Shanghai CC and general secretary of Shanghai CC&TSPM, introduced the diverse ministries recently carried out by the Shanghai churches. Reverend Tay praised the Shanghai churches for their ministry work. He said that TTC is committed to contextualized talent development, hoping that students will serve their respective churches and believers after completing their studies.

Rev. Xu Yulan, chairperson of Shanghai TSPM expressed that the Shanghai churches place great importance on the training of young church workers, aiming to equip local pastoral staff. He hoped to continue maintaining friendly relations with TTC to benefit the Shanghai churches in the future.

On September 11, the five-member delegation from TTC extended their visit to East China Theological Seminary, according to the host seminary.

Rev. Xie Bingguo, president of  East China Theological Seminary, recognized the longstanding friendship between ECTS and TTC built through previous mutual visits. He updated the guests on the seminary’s current developments and its efforts in theological talent cultivation, with emphasis on initiatives made on the path of sinicization of Christianity in recent years. Meanwhile, Rev. Xie also shared the upcoming challenges that occur in theological education.

In response, Principal Tay introduced TTC’s educational philosophy and the latest situation. The two sides engaged in extensive exchanges on theological education, academic research, and church social services, expressing their hopes for future communication and cooperation to empower the development of theological education.

Following the meeting, Rev. Xie gave the delegation a tour of the seminary.

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