1/19The choir presented a hymn during a World Day of Prayer service at Wenhua Road Church in Dalian, Liaoning, on March 7, 2024.

2/19Beijing CC&TSPM organized a World Day of Prayer service at Chongwenmen Church in Beijing on March 8, 2024.(Photo: Beijing CC&TSPM)

3/19A worship service was hosted to celebrate the World Day of Prayer at Yanjing Theological Seminary in Beijing on March 8, 2024.
(Photo: Yanjing Theological Seminary)

4/19Ji'nan CC&TSPM held a World Day of Prayer service at Jingsi Road Church in Shandong Province on March 8, 2024.
(Photo: Ji’nan CC&TSPM in Shandong

5/19Heze CC&TSPM hosted a World Day of Prayer service at Shanxian County Church in Heze, Shandong, on March 8, 2024.
(Photo: Heze CC&TSPM

6/19Christian ladies attended a celebration for the World Day of Prayer and International Women's Day at Dayang Church in Jincheng, Shanxi, on March 8, 2024.(Photo: Ji’nan CC&TSPM in Shandong)

7/19A World Day of Prayer service was hosted in Yancheng Church in Jiangsu on March 6, 2024.(Photo: Yancheng Church

8/19A World Day of Prayer service was hosted in Huai'an Church in Jiangsu on March 8, 2024.(Photo: Huai'an CC&TSPM)

9/19The choir members were singing a hymn during a World Day of Prayer service conducted at Community Church in Shanghai on March 8, 2024.(Photo: Shanghai CC&TSPM

10/19Students and the faculty of Zhejiang Theological Seminary worshipped God during a World Day of Prayer service on March 8, 2024.(Photo: Zhejiang Theological Seminary)

11/19Christian ladies took a group picture after a World Day of Prayer service held at Gongcheng Church in Hangzhou, Zhejiang.(Photo: Hangzhou CC&TSPM)

12/19A seminar was attended by ladies from the Hangzhou Islamic Association to celebrate International Women's Day at Chongyi Church in Zhejiang, on March 6, 2024.(Photo: Hangzhou CC&TSPM)

13/19Christian women took a group picture after a World Day of Prayer service held at New Grace Church in Yiwu, Zhejiang, on March 8, 2024.(Photo: New Grace Church in Yiwu)

14/19Staff members and Christian ladies took a group picture after a celebration for the World Day of Prayer and International Women's Day held at Chengdong Church in Pingnan County, Ningde, Fujian, on March 9, 2024.(Photo: Pingnan County CC&TSPM)

15/19Female students from Guangdong Union Theological Seminary took a group picture after a World Day of Prayer held at Guangdong Union Church on March 8, 2024.(Photo: Guangdong Union Theological Seminary)

16/19A Sunday service was conducted for International Women's Day at Henan Church in Guangzhou, Guangdong, on March 3, 2024.(Photo: Guangzhou CC&TSPM)

17/19Members of the Church of Our Savior in Guangzhou, Guangdong, took a group picture with gifts in hand after a celebration of International Women's Day held on March 7, 2024.(Photo: Church of Our Savior in Guangzhou)

18/19Rev. Zhang Jinbao delivered a sermon to celebrate the World Day of Prayer at Grace Church in Huizhou, Guangdong, on March 6, 2024.(Photo: Huizhou CC&TSPM)

19/19Middle-aged Christian women sang a hymn during a World Day of Prayer service at Yunnan Trinity International Church on March 8, 2024.(Photo: Yunnan Trinity International Church)