14-Y-O Christian Girl's Original Music Witness How 'Genius' is Tempered (2/2)

Chen Jiayin
Chen Jiayin
By Jianan ShiSeptember 22nd, 2015

Chen Jiayin, a fourteen-year old Christian girl has been regarded as a gifted child since she was young. By age two, she already knew over two thousand words. By four, she was able to read the Bible and later on began playing the piano and officially became a pianist in local church when she was 8. At five, she was able to write her first poem, she was able to produce over forty original poems and Still in creation. She had read more than a thousand different books as of this writing. Moreover, she has read the Bible over forty times and can recite 12 volume scriptures. She had performed outstandingly well at school, with exceptional grades enough to be called a "genius girl."

14-Y-O Christian Girl's Original Music Witness How "Genius" is Tempered (1/2)

Chen's mother went on to share how she personally trained and educated Jiayin from the time when she was still pregnant and up to that time when Jiayin was six. It was all about Bible reading and teachings that she taught and instilled to Jiayin.

Being a devout Christian that they are, she let her spirit soak in God's word everyday by listening to the words of the Bible even when she is doing something. Moreover, she always make sure tht the children also listens even if they are playing or busy with other things.

She believed that teaching the word of God is more than teaching general knowledge because there is something supernatural in it that can transform the lives of their children as they establish ideas and values gradually, as they grow up. She also said that "When God's words take roots in the people's heart, it will bear fruit in the future," just like what happened to Jiayin.

She continued to encourage the audience to follow the same manner of teaching their kids for it is very much effective in molding their children. Jiayin, as told have read the Bible forty times already and can recite 12 volume scriptures and poems.

She also related that they didnt not allow Jiayin to watch TV before the age of six, just saturate her with the word of God. They made sure that their children get to study the Bible first thing in the morning as they wake up. They also made it a point to not allow them to do other things (even eating) if they didn't finished praying, reciting and reading the Bible. It was through that seemingly strict guidance and education that the amazing results with Jiayin came out. Much more the joy and peace it brings when they are able to partake of the word of the Lord.

During the question and answer portion, a certain pastor asked Jiayin, "Little sister, did you ever at some point had a moment when you wanted to rebel to your parent's strict commands and manner of education?"

Jiayin answered "As a young child, I had no choice but to obey and follow my parents. But as I grew older I was able to found out myself that what they were teaching me all along about the word of God is actually good for me so I didn't stop learning and studying God's truth."

After that, the Shenzhen church pastor was moved by Jiayin's wisdom so that he shared the message to a church group in Wechat, adding how far are most teenagers to Jiayin who always opt to just play games in the internet, watch pornography and the like.

As the show came to an end, Jiayin finally left a message to the Christian workers that she wants to use her gift and abilities in music to serve and glorify the Lord though, she is still continuously learning      on some terms like the use of other accompaniments, vocals, creation of lyrics and others. She also expressed how much she enjoys the life she has now in spite of the fact that unlike other young peers, she can't go to school to study, but then again she knew that her calling is to live for Jesus.

Chen Jiayin has passed the level 10piano exams in China with exemplary grades. She has garnered several awards in competitions like Guangzhou's Central Miller Piano Open, the fourth Steinway South China District Youth Piano Competition, and her "West Pearl of the World" has won the grand prize in "The World Chinese Literature Cup International Student Writing Contest." The campus work version was published in the "World Chinese Literature" in the first phase of 2015. She studied for eight month in Kansas City (from May 2014 to January 2015), in a certain Christian School in the US. Additionally, she also won a Special Merit for Highest Honors in Classical Era (highest Honor) in the 30th Annual Music Festival in Missouri, United States of America.

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