Barack Obama, Xi Jinping sign climate change deal on Earth Day

(photo: Pixabay)
By Michelle GuanzonApril 22nd, 2016

United States of America's president Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping joined other worldwide leaders today in ratifying the Paris climate change agreement.

The said agreement is signed today as a celebration for Earth day, which aims to reduce impact on planet Earth.

There were 195 countries that have signed up to the said agreement during its initial stage and have pledged to keep the global temperature rises under certain level.

For the longest time, many countries have decided to keep temperature average as high as two degrees Celsius. However, this has still been reduced as it would still affect the environment.

China and United States have been very vocal in supporting Paris climate change agreement in making sure that the ratification will be successfully handled.

World Resources Institute says in a blog post,"With China's new target for an 18% reduction in carbon-intensity from 2015 levels, we estimate that China will actually reduce its carbon intensity 48% from 2005 levels by 2020."

Once the agreement is signed, countries who participated will be legally bound to submit its individual five-year strategies for reducing emissions which include fossil fuels, gas, oil and will be committed to use greener energy like tidal and solar.

The ratification process is not the third part of the four processes. The final stage is the legal binding when a minimum of 55 nations adopt the agreement on their own home soil.




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