Pastoral Traning, Sacred Music Courses Conclude in Zhejiang, Hunan

A group picture was taken during a graduation ceremony conducted at Panshi Church for 48 students who completed their full-time and on-the-job courses at the Hangzhou Christian Training Center in Zhejiang, on June 24, 2023.
A group picture was taken during a graduation ceremony conducted at Panshi Church for 48 students who completed their full-time and on-the-job courses at the Hangzhou Christian Training Center in Zhejiang, on June 24, 2023. (photo: Hangzhou CC&TSPM)
By John ZhangJune 28th, 2023

Hangzhou Christian training center based in Zhejiang and Hunan Bible School have concluded their pastoral and sacred music courses at graduation ceremonies, and the latter held a report performance.

In total, 48 students completed their full-time and on-the-job studies in 2023 at the Hangzhou Christian Training Center, said Hangzhou CC&TSPM.

During the graduation ceremony, held at Panshi Church on June 24th, Rev. Huang Mingke, vice president of the Hangzhou Christian Council and deputy director of the center, gave a sermon titled "'The Humble Gentleman Shepherds Himself' - A Brief Discussion on 'Self-Shepherd' Using Paul as an Example."

On June 20th, the second-grade students of the Hunan Bible School held a vocal music report performance. Mrs. Xu Jinglun, who is a national first-class actor and vocal music teacher, shared her original intention of engaging in vocal music teaching, according to CCC&TSPM.

Mrs. Xu created a teaching mode that combines fun with teaching due to the students' varying levels of experience and ages. She integrated the basics of music theory, ear training methods, sight-singing essentials, and rehearsal planning into church practice, teaching students how to lead believers in reading music, practicing voice, conducting, and rehearsing.

The second-year student groups presented their work at the report performance, including vocal music conducting, the practice of "playing, reading, humming, reading, and singing," the interesting scale "Duo Remi," and sacred music works.

- Translated by Abigail Wu

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