Pastor: Flood-Affected County in Hebei Still Needs Help After Heavy Rainfalls

A flood rescue was underway in Zhuozhou, Baoding, Hebei, in early August, 2023.
A flood rescue was underway in Zhuozhou, Baoding, Hebei, in early August, 2023. (photo: Amity Foundation)
By Katherine GuoSeptember 7th, 2023

In early September, the heavily flood-stricken areas surrounding Zhuozhou in Hebei province were still in need of assistance, as a visiting pastor noticed.

Due to heavy precipitation in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei area this summer, Zhuozhou City in Hebei was severely impacted. 

While supporting the city during the rescue operation, believers in Zhuozhou churches were also cognizant of the flood circumstances within the overlooked areas. The pastor mentioned earlier stated that the situation in Laishui County, upstream of Zhuozhou, was worse than in the city itself. Quite a number of the villages in Laishui have been completely submerged, with crops destroyed, homes swept away, and nothing remaining.

The AAAAA tourist attraction, Yesanpo National Park in Laishui County, was also drowned in the deluge, suffering devastating destruction. This scenic site was endorsed as a research and education base by the China University of Geosciences, serving as the national scenic area with the title of world geopark.

Currently, despite joint efforts, the power of the Zhuozhou believers is insufficient to confront the needs of the mass flood victims in Laishui County. Even though the flood destroyed his home, Elder Run in the county is still actively checking on the victims and looking for assistance.

Though not on the trending search list, areas such as Laishui County are still in need of support. Calls are ringing for more helping hands for these seriously flooded areas during the recovery of the homes of the afflicted.

- Translated by Poppy Chan

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