Spanish Worship Services Resume at Shanghai Church

Leaders and staff of Shanghai CC&TSPM took a group photo with the family of the the Spanish language worship service's convener Carlos at Jing'an District in Shanghai, on October 1, 2023.
Leaders and staff of Shanghai CC&TSPM took a group photo with the family of the the Spanish language worship service's convener Carlos at Jing'an District in Shanghai, on October 1, 2023. (photo: Shanghai CC&TSPM)
By John ZhangOctober 9th, 2023

Spanish-language worship services resumed at a church in Shanghai since the pandemic. 

On October 1, before the Sunday service began at Zhabei Church in Jing'an District, Yu Biao, director of the Jing'an District Ethnic and Religious Affairs Office, inquired about the number of participants, the application process for resumption, and the daily management procedures, said Shanghai CC&TSPM. He proposed that the Spanish-language worship service be conducted in accordance with the newly introduced extension application process and legal regulations.

Rev. Guo Feng, deputy secretary-general of the Shanghai Christian Council, explained that the Spanish language worship service, under the leadership of convener Carlos, has always had smooth cooperation with Shanghai CC&TSPM, Zhabei Church, the government, and neighborhood committees. It is believed that this special service will provide a spiritual home for Spanish-speaking believers in Shanghai.

- Translated by Abigail Wu

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