Guangzhou Church Celebrates 19th Anniversary of Dedication

Ci’en Church conducted a series of activities to commemorate the 19th anniversary of its dedication in Guangzhou City, GUangdong Province, from October 14 to 15, 2023.
Ci’en Church conducted a series of activities to commemorate the 19th anniversary of its dedication in Guangzhou City, GUangdong Province, from October 14 to 15, 2023. (photo: Guangzhou Municipal CC&TSPM)
By Serena TseOctober 20th, 2023

A church in Guangdong Province, southeast China, conducted a series of activities to commemorate the 19th anniversary of its dedication.

According to Guangzhou CC&TSPM, during the praise meeting on October 14, Ci’en Church in Guangzhou, in collaboration with its gathering sites, totaling eleven fellowships, exhorted believers to carry on the mission of spreading the gospel for the glory of the Lord through preaching and worship.

Subsequently, on the Sunday service the next day, Ci’en Church invited Senior Pastor Chen Chan of Shifu Church to preach sermons titled “Grow Up During Service” and “I Serve, I Rejoice” in the morning and noon services, with the exhortation for believers to dedicate themselves and serve the Lord by His abundant grace. The Shifu Church choir was invited to host a sacred music exchange. After the morning worship service, a church history riddle game was set to review the development history of the church.

- Translated by Poppy Chan

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