13 Pastors, 5 Elders Ordained in Shanghai

Shanghai CC organized the ordination at Hong’en Church in the Pudong New Area, Shanghai City, on October 18, 2024.
Shanghai CC organized the ordination at Hong’en Church in the Pudong New Area, Shanghai City, on October 18, 2024. (photo: Shanghai CC&TSPM)
By Serena TseOctober 22nd, 2024

Shanghai Christian Council (CC) organized the ordination at Hong’en Church in the Pudong New Area on October 18, with over 300 coworkers, compatriots, and believers attending from churches across the city, said Shanghai CC&TSPM. 

During the ceremony, Rev. Xu Yulan, chairperson of the municipal TSPM, preached on “Good Shepherd of the Flock,” following which the choir performed the hymn “Here am I, Send me.”

Rev. Yu Guangzhi, President of the Municipal CC, conducted the laying on of hands for the 18 candidates following their reaffirmation of ordination vows. Among them were seven female pastors, five male pastors, and five female elders, who were then presented with stoles and Bibles.

After the ceremony, at the welcome forum, Rev. Xu Yulan urged the newly ordained co-workers to obey God’s call and dedicate themselves to serving the Shanghai church, marking the beginning of their new journey.

Rev. Yu Guangzhi reminded the newly ordained pastoral staff to remain humble and obedient, urging them not to underestimate themselves. He encouraged them to grow in faith, love, and knowledge, serving as role models for the congregation.

Director Xu Kang of the Christian Affairs Office at the municipal Ethnic and Religious Affairs Bureau encouraged the newly ordained clergy to be patriotic and faithful preachers, who should balance the relationship between the church and society, theory and practice, the collective and the individual, and tradition and innovation, to contribute to building a positive image of Christianity within society.

The leaders of the district’s CC&TSPM expressed their hope that the newly ordained church staff would faithfully carry out their duties in holy work and take on greater roles within their respective churches.

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