Saturday, April 27th, 2024
Article by:Katherine Guo

Story of Gen Z Student's Recovery from Depression

Being admitted to his dream school as a graduate student, Mingjie suddenly felt lost. By the second semester of his senior year, he felt seriously meaningless. Eventually, through the words of God, he emerged from this swamp.

How to Handle Conflicts Between Christianity, Chinese Culture

During the Spring Festival, when loved ones from different places gather to celebrate, they strengthen family bonds by visiting, with folk beliefs thriving during this time. In addressing conflicts between faith and culture, Pastor Y from East China proposed three principles.

Roundtable: Changes in Rural Hometown Churches

During the joyous celebration of the Chinese New Year and the return to their hometowns, the editorial team of the Gospel Times had the opportunity to connect with grassroots churches. They discussed the changes observed in hometown churches during the grand festival.

Pastor: Building Churches Requires Forward Thinking

Building churches is not just about creating a place for worship. It involves a complex process of approvals, funding, design, and construction. An experienced pastor shares his insights into making a strategic plan.
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