T.C. Chao and Sinicized Christianity Exhibition Hall Unveiled in Zhejiang

The exhibition hall featuring Tzu-Ch’en Chao and the sinicization of Christianity was opened in Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, on November 1, 2023.
The exhibition hall featuring Tzu-Ch’en Chao and the sinicization of Christianity was opened in Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, on November 1, 2023. (photo: Zhejiang Provincial CC&TSPM)
By John ZhangNovember 6th, 2023

The exhibition hall featuring Tzu-Ch’en Chao and the sinicization of Christianity was opened in Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province.

Rev. Shan Weixiang, vice president and general secretary of the China Christian Council (CCC), announced the opening of the exhibition hall on November 1, while Zhang Yaofa, president of the Zhejiang Christian Council, presided over the ceremony.

Located in Xinxin Town, Deqing County, where Chao was born, the hall focuses on showcasing the essence of Chao's theological thinking. It is an innovative case of promoting the sinicization of Christianity in Zhejiang Province and even across China, with a theoretical laboratory for researchers to develop Christianity in the Chinese context.

The exhibition hall will comprehensively promote China's religious laws, regulations, and policies, showcasing the efforts and achievements made by Chao and Zhejiang churches in advancing the Sinicization of Christianity.

As one of the leading Protestant theologians, Chao (1888–1979) served as the dean of the Faculty of Arts at Soochow University and dean of the School of Religion at Yanjing University.

- Translated by Abigail Wu

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