Saturday, July 27th, 2024
Voice is a column of China Christian Daily to blow the prophetic horn to Chinese churches and Christians.

Homeward Bound: A Christian’s Return to China

Three months ago, I returned to China, and upon returning, I found the situation more urgent and needed than I imagined. From a spiritual perspective, China is like a dried-up pond, and I hope more people will come to serve in China, as it urgently needs your help. I am waiting for your arrival here.

Pastors: Retirement is a New Pulpit of Service

Despite the retirement system for pastors, many grassroots churches struggle to implement it effectively due to a shortage of pastoral staff. The reasons for such an issue are the lack of successors and the desire of some pastors to keep "serving the Lord to the end."

Movie, an Effective Way to Share Jesus

In the past, a house church often hurried to explain the main points of the gospel, but listeners found it difficult to accept all this unfamiliar information in a short time. Then they switched to use movies to illustrate the message.

Feature: Church Should Make Believers Encounter God

In an era of rapid change, pastors need to attract believers through effective sermons. When believers experience God, they become longing for more grace. In fact, many churches urge believers to be thirsty for God, but excessive demands might foster a rebellious attitude.

Easter: God Never Forsakes His People

At Easter time, a pastor illustrated that God never leaves believers, especially when they are in weakness, valleys, or disappointments, using the story of the two disciples recognizing the resurrected Jesus on the road to Emmaus.

Theological Researcher Talks Interpreting the Bible With Eastern Thought

Dr. Wu Dongri's lecture delves into the intersection of Eastern thought and biblical interpretation, challenging the dominance of Western perspectives in theological discourse. Through an exploration of cultural paths outlined by Liang Shuming, Dr. Wu emphasizes the importance of recognizing and integrating diverse cultural perspectives for a more holistic understanding of scripture and spiritual renewal.

Young Believers Need to Be Heard

Regardless of whether young people are believers or non-believers, they don't need high-and-mighty preaching and advice; they need listeners who can sit down to hear their stories and provide advice to address their anxieties.
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