Jiangsu Churches Host Pastoral and Theological Education Event

A pastor preached at the Kunshan Church on the “2024 Good Shepherds” event in Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province, on February 18, 2024.
A pastor preached at the Kunshan Church on the “2024 Good Shepherds” event in Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province, on February 18, 2024. (photo: Kunshan Municipal CC&TSPM)
By Serena TseFebruary 25th, 2024

Churches in Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province, conducted activities for the “2024 Good Shepherd” campaign and “Theology Sunday.”

On February 18, the Kunshan Municipal Three-Self Patriotic Movement (TSPM) organized pastors to join the provincial CC&TSPM's "2024 Good Shepherd" event, according to Kunshan CC&TSPM. The pastors embarked on visits to neighboring churches across Jiangsu, engaging in exchanges and delivering sermons on the annual topic of “Create a Good Atmosphere of Religion; Value Thrift and Temperance.” Among them, Rev. Hao Xiaoli from Wuxi City visited the church in Kunshan City to lecture on "Being a Good Steward," while Rev. Gu Xuemei of Kunshan TSPM preached on the theme of "Cherishing the Lord's Grace" at the Wuxi International Church.

February 17–18 marked the "Theology Sunday" in 2024. In Sunday services, churches in Kunshan City emphasized the importance of theological education, exhorting Christians to support Jiangsu Theological Seminary and appreciate theological education and preacher cultivation.

- Translated by Poppy Chan

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