Inner Mongolia Launches Training Program for Christian Leaders

Inner Mongolia CC&TSPM held a training program in the city of Ordos in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, from August 5 to 9, 2024.
Inner Mongolia CC&TSPM held a training program in the city of Ordos in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, from August 5 to 9, 2024. (photo: CCC&TSPM)
By John ZhangAugust 16th, 2024

A training program was hosted in the city of Ordos in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, focused on promoting the sinicization of religions in China, specifically for Christian leaders in Inner Mongolia.

More than 60 Christian leaders from 12 leagues and cities in Inner Mongolia participated in the training session, organized by the Inner Mongolia CC&TSPM from August 5 to 9, said the CCC&TSPM.

Rev. Kan Baoping, former vice chairman of the national TSPM, delivered a presentation on "Chinese-Style Modernization and the Sinicization of Christianity," with Professor Li Qiuling, a doctoral advisor from the School of Philosophy at Renmin University of China, lecturing on "The Contemporary Situation of Christianity in China and the Sinicization of Christianity."

Rev. Chang Meina, deputy secretary-general of Shanghai CC&TSPM, gave a speech on "The Church Doctrine of Pannenberg Based on Pneumatology and Its Relevance to the Sinicization of Christianity in China," and Rev. Zhang Jianshun, deputy director of Shandong TSPM, on "Sinicization in Biblical Interpretation, Preaching, and Usage."

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