United Evangelical Mission Visits Shanghai Community Church

A delegation of 22 members from the United Evangelical Mission (UEM) visited the Shanghai Community Church in Xuhui District, Shanghai City, on September 20, 2024.
A delegation of 22 members from the United Evangelical Mission (UEM) visited the Shanghai Community Church in Xuhui District, Shanghai City, on September 20, 2024. (photo: Shanghai Municipal CC&TSPM)
By Serena TseSeptember 25th, 2024

A delegation of 22 members from the United Evangelical Mission (UEM) visited the Shanghai Community Church. 

On September 20, the group was warmly received by the municipal and district CC&TSPM’s leaders and representatives from the host church, according to the Shanghai CC&TSPM.

During the exchange, Rev. Yu Guangzhi, chairperson of the Shanghai Christian Council (CC) and director of the Xuhui District CC&TSPM, gave an overview of the church's centennial history, the tradition of running the religious work democratically, and international exchanges. Following this, Pastor Yu addressed the guests' inquiries regarding ongoing ministries such as pastoral care of congregants, volunteering, social services, and financial management. The guests expressed appreciation for the recent development of the Shanghai Community Church.

The visiting guest, United Evangelical Mission, is a Christian organization comprising 38 Protestant institutions and foundations from Africa, Asia, and Germany. The organization sets offices in Wuppertal, Germany; Pematang Siantar, Indonesia; and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

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